SPV - surface photovoltage
SPV stands for surface photovoltage
Here you will find, what does SPV stand for in Physics under Academic & Science category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate surface photovoltage? surface photovoltage can be abbreviated as SPV What does SPV stand for? SPV stands for surface photovoltage. What does surface photovoltage mean?surface photovoltage is an expansion of SPV
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Alternative definitions of SPV
- Special Purpose Vehicle
- Secretaría de Protección y Vialidad
- Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy
- Sparse Pixel Vectorization
- Sound, Picture, And Video
- Sound, Picture, And Video
- Sound, Picture, And Video
- Sound Picture And Video
View 54 other definitions of SPV on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SPW surface plasmon wave
- SQDs silicon quantum dots
- SREM scanning reflection electron microscopy
- SRI Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation
- SRIM Stopping and range of ions in matter
- SRO short-range order
- SRON silicon -rich oxynitride
- SRRs split-ring resonators
- SR-SIM Superresolution structured illumination microscopy
- SS CVD single-source chemical vapor deposition
- SSA specific surface area